
About us

About us

Co.L.Se.A., Consorzio Lombardo di Servizio all’autotrasporto (Transportation-related services Lombardy's Consortium) provides transportation-related services at national and international level to Italian and European Community's companies.
Founded in 1996 by the managing group of FITA-CNA Lombardia, is based at Sesto San Giovanni - Milan
Co.L.Se.A. can count on fifty among employees and external collaborators and it provides efficient and specific services tailored to support the haulers in their activities and aimed at making hauling companies more competitive than ever.

The amazing growth of our offer entails a secret recipe: commitment, perseverance, quality and experience, combined with the strength of 50,000 CNA FITA associated entrepreneurs who have put their trust in us


Since 1996, the Consorzio Lombardo di Servizio all'Autotrasporto (Co.L.Se.A.) has been dedicated to the trucking service industry with passion and experience. Led by directors who share a long experience in the field, many of whom are owners or managers of trucking companies, Co.L.Se.A.'s main objective is to act in the interest of its members to help them consolidate their businesses both economically and organizationally. We offer tailored and effective services to meet the specific needs of each hauler.



With our full range of services, traveling with Co.L.Se.A. means:

  • Traveling safely: In Italy and abroad, you'll be accompanied by our cards/equipment and insurance packages.

  • Traveling with savings: You'll accumulate discounts on your passages and take advantage of our conventions to save money.

  • Traveling without surprises: You'll be supported by our knowledgeable staff attentive to your every need, ensuring that your trip is free of unwanted surprises.

Discover the services

The group

Co.L.Se.A. makes use of the collaboration of excellent partners for the management of the services provided:


The Lombard Road Transport Service Consortium

Co.L.Se.A., CONsorzio Lombardo di SErvizio all'Autotrasporto, was established in 1996 with the aim of offering services for the road haulage sector


Road Transport Service Centre srl CEntro SErvizi per l'Autotrasporto was established in 2005 with the aim of offering assistance for the road transport sector.

Tir Service

Insurance services for road haulage companies

Tir service Pc soc. coop was established in 2012 with the aim of offering insurance solutions for the road haulage sector

Me.tir Broker

Insurance broker

Me.tir Broker was established in 2019 with the aim of offering insurance solutions for companies, professionals, people and vehicles.

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